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Green Health Alliance is designed to serve as a catalyst and platform to drive this collaboration for impactful outcomes for strong and resilient health ecosystems and affirmative climate action. It seeks to bring together key actors from the private and public sectors, to collaborate for climate action in health in India.

The Green Health Alliance (GHA) is conceived as an action-oriented alliance of diverse stakeholders that are united by a common vision of supporting climate resilience in the health ecosystem. The alliance is supported by Rockefeller Foundation, Asian Development Bank and the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, and incubated and hosted by the Catalyst Group. Founded as a part of our work at COVIDActionCollab.

The emerging story of GHA

Mission: Support communities at-risk and their health systems in mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate change.

Vision: A thriving world powered by resilient communities and climate-neutral systems.

Values/Underlying Principles:

  • Community-centered and inclusion driven by shaping of priorities for the most vulnerable, equity-focused with non-partisan approaches.
  • Evidence-informed decision making to facilitate policy and action leading to impact.
  • Embrace diversity through multidisciplinary, multi-faceted, multi-stakeholder collaboration and collective action.
  • Global in outlook and adoption, localized in strategies and solutions.


Green Health Alliance

Scale solutions that work to reduce the carbon footprint of health systems.

Support decarbonization of at least 100 health facilities in Asia (energy, water, and waste) including:
● Need assessments and feasibility studies
● Market linkage
● Financing

Empower people to achieve climate-resilient health system

Build climate resilience of vulnerable communities to protect their health & wellbeing.

Ensure at least 1 million people in 3 high-risk groups (farmers, fresher, mothers) are more resilient to climate shocks:
● Communities Observatory (evidence-gathering for policy)
● Platform for climate and health risk communication (IEC and other behavior change material)

● Ensure local decision-makers in at least 50 provinces/states in priority geographies have integrated health & climate action plans (playbook workshops).
● Build the capacity of at least 100,000 human resources in health (HRH) to respond to climate-mediated risks across India, Brazil, Philippines, etc., through Climate Care Champions (in partnership with Columbia University)

01 - Health System's Impact On Climate

Scale solutions that work to reduce the carbon footprint of health systems.

Support decarbonization of at least 100 health facilities in Asia (energy, water, and waste) including:
● Need assessments and feasibility studies
● Market linkage
● Financing

02 - Climate Impact On People

Build climate resilience of vulnerable communities to protect their health & wellbeing.

Ensure at least 1 million people in 3 high-risk groups (farmers, fresher, mothers) are more resilient to climate shocks:
● Communities Observatory (evidence-gathering for policy)
● Platform for climate and health risk communication (IEC and other behavior change material)

03 - People's Impact On Health Systems

Empower people to achieve climate-resilient health system

● Ensure local decision-makers in at least 50 provinces/states in priority geographies have integrated health & climate action plans (playbook workshops).
● Build the capacity of at least 100,000 human resources in health (HRH) to respond to climate-mediated risks across India, Brazil, Philippines, etc., through Climate Care Champions (in partnership with Columbia University)


The Launch

As part of the launch event (on 26th April,2022 at New Delhi) we are bringing together a carefully curated group of leaders from across industry, government, health professions, and academia; to meet and explore partnerships across a broad agenda of climate mitigation, adaptation and disaster preparedness in the health system in the country.

Click here for GHA Agenda.


We plan to establish 5 country secretariats in Asia in the next 3 years to achieve our mission.


Brand Hub - Logo, One Pager, Preamble etc.


Honeybees are a remarkably organized society. A healthy honey-bee hive functions as a polished and well-oiled machine, thanks to tens of thousands of bees, each performing their jobs dutifully. A bee hive is known as a ‘super-organism’ as no single bee can survive on its own. There is division of labour and every bee must carry out their own duties and co-operate with one another to survive and thrive.